Sage Elixir

$24.00 - $45.00
Coming soon

The aroma of sage is medicinal for me in and of itself. Soothing to the senses. Velvety and soft to the touch. Grounding to the taste and delightful to look at. She feels heartier to me, like she has a pull to drive us deep into our bodies. An anchoring in to the depths of who we are and expelling anything unwanted and casting it out. A strong force to ward off the unwanted.

Traditionally, sage has been used to expel mucous from the body. Facilitates coughs, colds, and sore throats with her anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. She has an antibiotic effect on the body. Moving stagnation from the body and even helping to release stagnant emotions.

All tinctures are made from fresh plant matter.

Ingredients: Fresh sage, honey, & alcohol. I only use organic, high quality ingredients and whole plants that I source from trusted suppliers.

Invitations For Use: If you have a more sensitive constitution - start out with 10-15 drops. If you have a heartier constitution - 1-3 droppers directly into the mouth. Use your intuition.

Storage Tips: Store in a cool, dark place.