Rose Elixir

$26.00 - $49.00

It felt dreamy to work alongside rose. The night after I finished processing her I had a dream that I was swimming in a pool of rose petals and it was glorious.

She is majestic. Sensual. Lovely. Feminine. Enchanting. A powerhouse. She has it all. The total package. She’s undeniably beautiful. She has a depth and sophistication to her that is so alluring and tantalizing. A strong, sensitive, open but deeply protected heart. She fully encompasses and embodies womanhood. She’s protective of who she allows in her space. She has fierce boundaries but the most tender and soft touch. She’s delicate but has a deep sense of knowing who and what is right for her.

A must for boundary work. She will soften your heart to allow yourself to tap into empathy and understanding but will also make it very clear where your boundaries lye.

She will invoke your passion and has been long considered an aphrodisiac. Rose is anti inflammatory and is wonderful for calming and beautifying the skin.

All tinctures are made from fresh plant matter.

Ingredients: Fresh rose petals, honey, & alcohol. I only use organic, high quality ingredients and whole plants that I source from trusted suppliers.

Invitations For Use: If you have a more sensitive constitution - start out with 10-15 drops. If you have a heartier constitution - 1-3 droppers directly into the mouth. Use your intuition.

Storage Tips: Store in a cool, dark place.