Mothers Helper Elixir Nervous System & Mood Support


This was one of the very first blends that was channeled through me. I immediately knew I personally needed this blend and that it would be incredibly supportive of mothers and women. Milky oat tops, blue vervain, and motherwort combine beautifully in this elixir.

As mothers, we are holding so much. We are at the center of our family constellation. What’s that expression? If mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy. So true! If we aren’t filling our own cups as mothers there is no way we can show up for our family as the best, most authentic versions of ourselves. We can’t pour from an empty cup. Put yourself first so that it will trickle down to your family.

Milky oats for the nervous system support. Motherwort for that mom guilt/anxiety and to tend to our hearts. And blue vervain for the hard feelings that come with motherhood.

Sending you all my love, from the beautiful, most rewarding and often times hard trenches of motherhood.

All tinctures are made from fresh plant matter.

Ingredients: Fresh milky oat tops, fresh blue vervain, fresh motherwort, honey, & alcohol. I only use organic, high quality ingredients and whole plants that I source from trusted suppliers.

Invitations For Use: If you have a more sensitive constitution - start out with 10-15 drops. If you have a heartier constitution - 1-3 droppers directly into the mouth. Use your intuition.

Storage Tips: Store in a cool, dark place.