Goldenrod Elixir

$24.00 - $45.00

Goldenrod will always have a special place in my heart. She’s been calling to me for two years now and this year I harvested her fresh. It was my first time harvesting an herb and it felt so very special as my family and I made a day of it. She is bright, positive, uplifting to the spirit, and so protective of the home.

It was as so funny because I was signed up to receive fresh goldenrod from a supplier and last minute it got cancelled. I had a dream that night and she told me to come find her. She was so playful and really calling to me.

I am so excited to use her medicine for respiratory issues and allergies. She’s also supportive to the urinary tract and offers kidney support as well.

All tinctures are made from fresh plant matter.

Ingredients: Fresh goldenrod, honey & alcohol. I only use organic, high quality ingredients and whole plants that I source from trusted suppliers.

Invitations For Use: If you have a more sensitive constitution - start out with 10-15 drops. If you have a heartier constitution - 1-3 droppers directly into the mouth. Use your intuition.

Storage Tips: Store in a cool, dark place.